- Raked up all the thatch on our yard & pulled larger weeds
- Hasani used a power Aerator to loosed up our soil
- Hasani used a large lawn spreader to apply the seed evenly to our yard
- Next we used 1 bale of weed free to hay and spread it over our lawn to help the grass grow and keep moisture in.
- Lastly we watered watered and watered our seeds and grass like crazy
Before I show you the current state of our backyard, here's a reminder of how it looked right after we Aerated our lawn. Yup, very dry and patchy weedy grass and lots and lots of overgrown bushes.
Mid April
Here's the current state of our backyard. Much better! Look at all the green grass! I'm very happy, the ratio of weeds to grass is so much better. I'd say 75% grass and 25% weeds much better that our previous ratio of 90% weeds and 10% grass. Gone are all the huge weeds, were left we smaller patches of weeds and as of right now I'm OK with that. We have one area closest to our patio that's a little dry, that maybe how the sprinkler is hitting that area and its not getting enough water. Here's our grass progress, big difference over last month huh.
Mid May Progress
We still want more green grass, to mimic our pretty sod in our front yard. I'm thinking we will mostly likely to another round of re-seeding our lawn in September just before fall. Since are Summers are so HOT in Northern California 100+ it will be best to wait.
Mid April
Mid May Progress
Mid May Progress
After those funky bushes are pulled up we plan on laying down weed blocker and covering the area up a lot of the area underneath the trees up with mulch. We are hoping it gives a more clean semi landscaped appearance. I also want to cut done that funky dead looking pine tree 9not sure when that will happen) I seriously hate that thing, its all wrong + I hate pine needles. Oh and we need to trim back lots of the bushes and trees that are becoming overgrown and Hasani needs to edge our grass (get those tight spots the lawn mower can't reach)
I also to need to re-paint our old terra cotta pots (that have been hanging on the tree house way to long) and add some pretty flowers and move them onto our patio. Avery's first birthday party is in a few weeks, so I have just enough time to add some more pretty to our backyard. Parties = motivation to get stuff done!
What you think of our progress? Are you working on any grassy updates? Or are you prettying up your backyard too?
We welcome all lawn care tips, to keep our grass bright and green over the Summer and though the Fall/winter!! :)

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