I decorated the mirror using some 'rag netting' and some black spier silhouettes left over from our front door. I hung a black feather wreath I made last year for our front door on the mirror to up the spooky factor. The wreath is a super simple DIY project, I spent $ 1.00 on a foam wreath at Dollar Tree and bought three 6ft feather boas of Michaels for $ 1.99 each. Simply wrap the boa around the wreath and use a hot glue gun to secure, and some black grosgrain ribbon and hang.
I filled our vase with branches I sprayed painted black and added crows on them. The buffet was used as our drink station, we made 'Brain Juice' punch. Sadly I have no pictures of the punch! We used a brain mold we bought from Wal-Mart and filled it with pink lemonade. We had the punch with Lemonade, Cranberry Juice & Sprite. It was freaking looking at a brain floating in punch :) I also planned on writing the Menu on the chalk board, but forgot all about it until the party was over.
I found the eye balls at Michaels, I think they were a buck for 4 eyes. Tabari had the great idea to place them on our small white vases!!
A few months back I found three candles holders for clearance at Kohl's, I paid only $ 13 bucks for all three! The originally color was a bronze, not really our style but knew they would look great glossy black. I used some cheapo black gloss spray paint and transformed them. Their new look reminds me of these Z Gallerie candles holders.
The candle holders looked great with a Crow, Candle and mini pumpkin on top. I was also surprised how great the cheapo spray paint worked. I even spray painted them myself,a task I normally leave to Mr. CLH - since I'm known to get drips and crackles. This time around the srpa wen on nice and smooth.
I had planned on baking home made cupcakes, but ran out of time and energy since I was still under the weather on Saturday. I picked up a mix of chocolate and white cupcakes
See the gloss on those candle sticks! lol - I filled a a witches cauldron with cheese balls and a crow guarded the dish.
Here's how the table looked before the 'hot' foods were placed on the table.
It was hard to get a full shot of the room before the party due the weather. It was a wet rainy Saturday which meant gloomy pictures. Here's Tabari doing his kung-fu pose!
That's how Spooky Scary Halloween party decor looked !! I hoped you enjoyed party crashing with us!! :)
Wow, this spooky scary party was truly fabulous. It looks very scary but décor is really creative. Last year we celebrated Halloween day at most popular venues in Chicago. The arrangements were done by venue were up to our expectations. Really enjoyed that Halloween bash.
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