Goodwill Black Friday Deals

I popped into our local Goodwill on Saturday night { yup, I spend my Saturday nights shopping for deals } Mr. CLH house was with me so I considered it our mini date night! As you may remember I've been on the hunt for the perfect dresser for our 3rd bedroom, I want something similar to the dresser I scored on Craigslist { seen here } Anyways while I was there I noticed tow pretty long mirror with lots of detail, I could tell the the mirrors once were attached to a dresser. I fell in love with it, plus it was a mere $ 14 bucks, my husband on the other hand didn't care for it. Against my better judgment I didn'nt buy it! On the way out the store I saw Goodwill's Black Friday deals! Yup, Goodwill does Black Friday! The whole store will be 1/2 off! I'll be there first on Friday morning hoping no one scooped up the mirrors, there's two so the odds might be in my favor. Sadly I took no pictures, but Jenny from Little Green Notebook found a similar mirror she redid for a clients home. Here's the before, yup a basic dated looking mirror.

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I love how the mirror turned out once it was painted a dark moody grey. So pretty! All the detail on the top of the mirror now looks amazing.

{ via LGN }

{ via LGN }

Most likely the mirror will be hung at the end of our hallway, I the hanging the mirror there will make the hallway look larger and hopefully bring in more night since its parallel to our front door.

Is Goodwill on your Black Friday must shop places?



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