CLH has an exciting Giveaway starting today with our friends at 3M Frameworks! The giveaway is packed with 3M DIY Goodies!! The 3M Frameworks is the collection of home improvement products that include: Scotch Blue Tape, Tough Duct Tape, LeadCheck, Abrasives and TEKK Protection { one lucky CLH reader will receive the above 5 products mentioned } This giveaway is also apart of the Couple Speak 3M Frameworks weekly $ 250 cash prize { Share your funny translation stories on their Facebook page } and the $ 5,000 video sweepstakes.
Here’s a quick reminder on how to enter the $250 weekly cash prize. Share your Couple Speak communication between you and your loved one { rather lack of communication } during DIY projects on thier Facebook page. If you’ve ever worked on a project with your significant other then you know what I’m talking about. Don’t you love the banter { and the un-said words } that goes on while working on these projects? Since Hasani and I often work on a lot of DIY projects together we often have ‘Couple Speak’ moments.
Here’s a recent Couple Speak moment we had while hanging ledges
Me: “That looks crooked” means “Go get the level”
Hasani: “It’s fine” means “Where’s my level at?”
Make sure you share your Couple Speak Translation moments { the moments can be real or made up } on 3M Frameworks Facebook page for a chance to win $ 250 bucks { that’s a lot of DIY Project money } and on my page, see details below.
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3M Frame Works Sample Pack:
2 3M LeadCheck Swabs
1 Roll of Scotch Blue
3 Stages of Sanding (green, maroon, gold sandpaper)
1 gloves, respirator, eye wear
Here's a closer look at the 3M Goodies, that could be arriving at your door soon!
Think of all the DIY projects you can get done!! Thanks to the 3M Frameworks Loot!
Rules to Enter:
1. Participate in the translation sweepstakes being hosted on the 3M Framework Facebook Page (You have to Like the page as well in order to participate).
2. Post a comment on my blog post ‘saying that you have participated’.
3. In your comment include ‘your Couple Speak story’
Extended!!! Giveaway Ends 9/23/11
Giveaway Starts TODAY, Tuesday 9/6/2011
Giveaway Ends Monday 9/23/2011 at Midnight!
Winner will be announced Tuesday 9/13/2011
Good luck everyone, I’m so excited to read your Couple Speak Translations & Giveaway

Giveaway Starts TODAY, Tuesday 9/6/2011
Giveaway Ends Monday 9/23/2011 at Midnight!
Winner will be announced Tuesday 9/13/2011
Good luck everyone, I’m so excited to read your Couple Speak Translations & Giveaway

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