{ Screen Shot Krazycouponlady.com }
It's easy for a newbie couponer (is that a word) to get overwhelmed, thankful there's a beginners tab. I learned so much about how to use coupons the right way. Normally if I have a coupon and I want to use it, the generic brand or another brand is cheaper, so my coupons go unused. I learned to use my coupon when the item goes on sale! For the most savings. The site recommends starting a binder, and saving all your coupons. I started my new coupon routine on last Sunday { we only get the Sunday paper } which is perfect because I can save the coupons & look at the sales ads to use my coupons. The binder option didn't work for me { to bulky }, instead I got a pocket folder with individual pockets to store my coupons by type. I have a pocket for; health & beauty, cleaning products, groceries, Starbucks, baby stuff and dog care. I like that I can carry my folder with me in my diaper bag, without looking Krazy :) I sat down when it was quiet on my living room floor and starting sorting and cutting out my coupons. I have a pretty good little stash so far.
Each page contains a clear pocket, perfect spot for me to store coupons. I now know to use the Carter's 20% off coupon I have when a sale is going on, lucky for me there's an outlet near my house that has sales! I'll be stocking up on my baby clothes for Avery soon. It's had for me to resist cute baby clothes, so the extra savings make me happy.
Since getting my feet wet so to speak in this coupon world, I've already been seeing savings. Yesterday I had to buy to food for Mojo, which was perfect timing his dog food regular price is $12.99, using my club card it was
$10.99. I had a coupon for $4 bucks off the same brand! I only paid $ 6.99 - its so unreal I saved $6 bucks! Just by taking a few moments out of my day to clip coupons!
Thanks to my girlfriend I also learned about a free 8x10 Canvas Special that's mention on the Krazy Coupon Lady site, all you pay is $ 14.95 for shipping and handling! The canvas is from Canvas People, I placed my order last week and its shipped and on its way to my house. We decided to order our new family blog picture. I'm so excited can't wait to see how it will look in person. Such a great deal for under $15 bucks! Click here for the link I will share our canvas when it arrives. I'm going to order another canvas from our wedding. These make great gifts.
I'm looking forward to fine tuning my coupon shopping skills and saving some money in our everyday life. I love that her site list coupons by store, I so need to use coupons when I shop in Target! I'll up date how I'm doing with coupons and will keep track of my savings for the next month and see how it all adds up.
Do you use Coupons? How often? What are some of your coupon tips? Could you be on Extreme Couponing? How do you organize your coupons? What sites do you love for coupon tips??? So many questions!!!

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