Avery's Four Month Birthday Photo

It's hard to believe our little guy as we've nicked named him around Chic Little House, just turned a fun four months old. As a reminder just in case your new to my blog, we're taking monthly  pictures of Avery for the next two years in his nursery. Nothing will be planned just him hanging out, that way we can watch him virtually grow up in his nursery. After 24 months of pictures they will be complied and turned into a book.

Avery Four Months

I've been enjoying his little photo shoots each one reminds me how precious every moment is with our baby. Just like last month I had to share more than one pictures. I took these pictures after I nursed him. One thing I really enjoy about blogging is it being a our dairy of daily life, projects and house stuff. Here are a few little guy milestones; started rolling over a few days before turning three months, grasping for toys and playing with them, loves tummy time, big HUGE smiles, makes cooing sounds, loves hearing mommy sing to him, super good head control, brings his hands to is mouth, loves chewing on hands! Yup I'm a proud mamma! 

Watch him grow, one month, two months, three months 



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