First up I wanted to start with some pregnancy books I've been having so much fun reading! One of my best friends recently gave birth to a sweet little boy a few months ago and was thrilled when I shared with her our great news. Well a few weeks ago when I was visiting her, she sent me home with 5 baby books! I was beyond thrilled and wowed by her generosity. Here's my stack of books { from top to bottom: Hot Mama, Belly Laughs, Baby Names, Eating Well When Your Expecting, What to Expect When Your Expecting & Your Pregnancy Week By Week }
I quickly read Hot Mamma and Belly Laughs both cute books to read if your expecting or have family or friend who is. Both books will put a smile on your face!
But of course my favorite books are: Baby Names, your Pregnancy Week By Week and the Eating Well Book. The Eating Well book is keeping me in check, of course occasionally I hear Reese's Pieces begging for me to buy them while in the check out line! A few days after I received lots of good belly reads, one of my girlfriends gave me another baby book! This book is all about soothing a cry baby and helping them sleep longer. I've been reading this book everyday and find it really interesting and like the concepts!
What books did you like reading while pregnant or if your are pregnant? If you are pregnant what are your current favorite reads?
Any other fun books I should check out? Let me know!

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