So I've been sewing new pillows with left over fabric I have and adding an unexpected pop of color to this already colorful print. Yup, I'm adding turquoise green piping to the pillows!
The turquoise green piping looks works well with the new fabric I bought for living room. I'm loving how the piping is looking so far and I'm sewing invisible zippers to, so its requiring a whole bunch of extra work. Piping ain't easy, lol. Hopefully I'll be a piping pillow master by pillow # 2 if so, I'm so adding piping to the cushion I'm making for our outdoor dining room bench.
Hopefully I'll have these pillows along with the new ones I just finished up, can't wait to share the amazing { to us } fabric I just bought and turned into pillows.
What do you think so far of the color combination?

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