See, pretty much dead. In my head I blame it on the arrival of the little guy, you know too busy to water the plants while tacking care of a newborn. In reality I pretty much forgot it existed.
I really like the mixture of succulents and regular house plants I picked up from Home Depot. I got them at good prices too, from $ 1.49 to $ 3.49. No complaints here.
I love how the succulents look in the simple white Ikea planters. Instead of putting the plants around our home, I thought they would look cute grouped together placed on our large tray. Normally our tray sits on our buffet, but I'm loving how the oversize tray looks on our dining room table. Using the tray also makes the centerpiece more versatile, because we can simply put the tray on our kitchen counter when its dinner time.
It's great that bringing in some H2O really brightens up our dining room and give it a fresh look. On the buffet I cut a branch off our tree in the front yard and placed it in a large vase I got from Home Goods a while ago. I still can't believe I spent $ 12 bucks on that large vase. For some reason I can never find any chalk when its time to take pictures, oh well. So please ignore the deep gray 'space' in this picture, it really does have a purpose.
What do you think our little H2O update?
ps. The almost dead plant got thrown away, I have no magic touch when it comes to bringing plants back to life.

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