Sons Tween Bedroom: The Right Hue

I mentioned a few months back that I would be re-doing my sons room taking him from adolescence into his tween years. Here's a reminder of the room plan of my sons room. I love saying the word tween makes me laugh { tween definition: a youngster between 10 and 12 years of age, considered too old to be a child and too young to be a teenager }.

With our master bedroom re-do on hold while we await fabric swatches for our headboard, I thought I start tackling his bedroom. The first thing we { Tabari & I } wanted to changed was his bedroom wall color. I made the mistake of painting his room baby blue, thinking I was painting his room a more mature blue, Wrong. The color was awful and left me defeated, and I left his room along for last year plus. I love that paint is one of the quickest ways  change the look of a room. We both agreed gray was a the perfect color to paint his room. He likes our bedroom color, but wasn't a 100% sure, so I bought a sample shade of the darker gray paint hue so he could pick.

The top paint color is Montpelier Ashlar Grey, the bottom color is Woodlawn Colonial Grey { our bedroom color} He choose the darker color.

Here's his room before we began painting with 90% prefect of his stuff removed from his bedroom. It's hard to see how awful the his bedroom color was. Since he has a small room, the blue color only empathised how small it is.

There his is playing on his Nintendo. I had to remind him recently when school starts no TV in your room! During the school year he's only allowed to watch TV during the weekends.

One plus is his room is the walk-in closet. I'll be selling his toy storage in our upcoming yard sale, and replacing it with a new storage solution that's more his age and will hold his Lego's and other toys better.

Here's his new room color now, I really love the color he choose. It's a darker gray that actually makes his room look larger. The new color is a huge improvement! In the picture below the color looks like a grey/beige. It's a grey color with beige undertones, which I prefer over greys with blue undertones.

The best part of painting his bedroom this time around, was him helping me! This is how we spent our afternoon on the 4th of July. After his room was painted, Tabari went though all his toys, stuffed animals and old furniture and decided what he waned to keep and sale. This week he'll be at his grandpa's house, and I'll be working on some mini projects for his bedroom.

What do you think of the new grey color? Have you have any paint mishaps in the past?



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