I saw the nursery below on my favorite Canadian glossy home magazine, Style at Home. This nursery makes me smile! I adore the artichoke green fabric drapes and love how the dark curtain rod really sets the color off. I also love the wallpaper!! It so pretty and looks amazing in this little boys nurser. I love the designer (the mom) crated a nursery that's modern with classic touches.
{ via Style at Home }
The nursery below is darling, I love the soft grey and white stripes that loop around the room. I found this nursery while trolling around the net and am not sure where I found it. i think the color scheme in the room is so cute and the roman shades look great over the plantation shutters. I like how gender natural this room is and could easily be a girls room wit ha few swaps here and there.
This nursery is so charming, and you can tell a lot of love was put into the room! I love the delicate mobile and the tall shelves that wrap around the room. The bedding is precious, I love dandelions and to see them on the bedding is so sweet.
Those three nurseries have give me so much inspiration the past few months!! I can't believe I just hit 24weeks { 6mos } wow time is flying by! No worries though, our very own project nursery will be soon :)
What style nursery do you prefer? Classic with touches of modern OR Modern All the Way?

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