So my hunt of this shade of green, I refer to as 'artichoke pear' began. I started my search for this shade long before I knew if we were having a boy or girl, I just knew the color works well for either gender. I started my search looking at local fabric stores, but the colors that came close all felt bulky way to heavy for a nursery. So I order a few fabric swatches from both Calico Corners and All the fabric swatches were WAY off, in my experience its so worth it to spend a buck or two. So not the color were going for.
Fast forward a few weeks and I was still on the hunt for the perfect shade of Artichoke Pear (don't you love when you make up color names!) I had pretty much given up hope of ever finding the the perfect shade of green for curtains, until browsing online at Ikea & West Elm.
I was stunned both of the drapes looked like color I'm in love with, then a day to two later I was reading the nursery reveal on Hitting My Stride and she used the Ikea curtains!! They looked more lime green than yellowish green in her pictures, but I decided a trip to Ikea & West Elm was needed. I loved that both curtains were linen, which I think gives a softer look overall. Here were my two options. On left Ikea Ania and the Right West Elm Linen Cotton Grommet--- the pretty pic of the West Elm one make it so tempting don't they :)
There's a big price difference between the two, Ikea $ 49.99 for a pair of panels you DIY the hem, and the West Elm $64.00 per panel for 96 inch length. Obviously I was hoping wishing g and praying the Ikea panels would be the perfect fit, because its Big Difference in cost. So I went to Ikea first, since I had a few items I needed to buy there. Under that God awful florescent lighting I found the perfect match. The panels were super heavy and look nothing like the online picture which looks muted and blah. I bought on the panels and to be on the safe side headed to West Elm....which were also the perfect color match, but my Ikea ones were oh $ 78 bucks less. Again big difference. Here's the naked sliding glass doors before.
One thing I love about buying Ikea curtain is the choose your own hem option, its so simple. I just used the iron on hem tape, instead of sewing the hem. To find the 'perfect length' for these curtains, I hung them and them placed a pin where I wanted to hem them. Next I took them down and pinned the hem into place, and then used the iron on hem tape. I kept the hem nice wide, just in case I line these panels in the future.
I also like the option these curtains to use the rod pocket or the back tab. I prefer the using the back tab, because it that pinch pleated look (with out the cost or sewing hassle) No matter how much I Iron these linen panels they would not de-wrinkle, I guess its time to replace my iron or get a hand steamer! You can see how the this shade varies depending on light.
Regardless of the wrinkles, I adore how the curtains look in the nursery. The curtains are heavy and have a nice weight to them, and let light filter in. This is how the color looks in the early morning light.
If over the Summer they let too much light in during the morning and while our son is taking naps, I plan on adding a drapery lining to them. I'm so glad I was finally able to find the perfect shade of artichoke pear for my sons nursery. For the rod I used a simple black rod from Target, just ignore the crap in the stairs leading out to the backyard & I promise to have better pictures next week, I took these early this morning around 7 am
Again, I love this shade against the light grey walls. What do you think?
Follow Along: As we create a nursery for our baby boy due in June 2011. From the beginning; Nursery Bare Bones, Paint Makes the Difference, Bye Bye Boob Light.

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