Nusery Before:
I took the picutres of the nusery in the afternoon on a non sunny day, so hopfully you can still see the color ok.I love how the color Sliver Drop looks in the nusery. It's such a pretty shade of grey, not overly dark or deary. It's a sublte color. We also made the existing baseboards in the room taller, just like we did on our living room. Here's our how to { Making Baseboards Taller } By adding height to the baseboards it really creates an elegant look. Next up we need to paint the baseboards a glossy white and freshen up the trim too.
Nusery Now
Here's a peak at our color scheme for the nursery, were mixing a color called Sultana { by Martha Stewart } with pale blues, light greys & dark greys and white. I'm really excited about added Sultant to the room, I love the color! It's such a fun punchy shade of yellow / green.
This is our mini Construction / Improvement Breakdown:
Replace closet doors { This weekend }
Replace light fixture { Install amazing Light Fixutre we already bought this weekend }
Improve closet storage
Crown Molding - on the maybe list
What do you think of the grey shade we paint the nusery and our color schemce?
Follow Along - as we create a nursery for our baby boy due in June 2011: Nursery Bare Bones

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