With great joy, I'm so happy to share we've been blessed with a Baby BOY!!! We are beyond happy and excited and full of wonder and so excited to meet him. I had my husband take some quick pictures of me Sunday evening before we headed out to dinner. Here's my belly at 25 weeks / 6mos 1 week -- It's odd now that, I count in weeks now and not months. My belly is much rounder and bigger than it was just when you last saw it in The Nate Berkus Show (House Proud)
There's something so much fun about holding up a onesies to your belly and know soon your baby will be wearing it. I'm holding up a onesies I got from Baby Gap with a little embroidered bear on it. The bear reminds me of the Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear I recently got for the baby.
The plan is to take pictures of my ever expanding belly every couple of weeks until my due date. Time is flying by! Before we know our little baby boy will be here, can't wait { YES, I can we have a nursery to complete, lol }
Were still mulling over names for our our son, hopefully will find something unique and meaningful to our us. It's been wonderful sharing our joy with all of you and a little nerve wracking for me sharing my growing belly with everyone!

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