So there's really not too many options for a sewing area in our tiny Rancher, but I can figure it out. It's only fair too, since my husband recently created a nifty organized tool area in the garage for himself. I figure the best spot in the house to keep my stuff nice and tidy is our small coat closet in the our hallway. When I say small, I'm really giving it way to much room, its freaking tiny. I know for sure, the ironing board / iron will have to stay, but I'll come up with a better storage solution. Other than those two items, I will find another spot in our Casa for the rest { I hope } coats, x-mas ornaments etc.
Here are my 'musts' for this tiny space.
1. Hang Iron board on back of door, along w/iron, spray starch
2. Add more lower shelves to hold Sewing machine
3. Containers / Drawers for sewing supply storage { thread, needles, bobbins, patterns }
4. Spot for misc. fabrics
5. Color ? Why Not!
7. Small swing arm lamp next to sewing, to see supplies better { it is a closet after all }
8. Spot for Sewing Books
I don't plan on using this space for my actual sewing spot
To keep my self grounded in reality, I only looked and teeny spaces for my sewing closet inspiration. But 1st this is my sewing work space!! But I'm cool with just using wooden hangers instead, if it means all the pretty fabric will be on display.
{ No Source, Came Across this image eons ago }
Okay Back to reality, am I the only one humming the song { Back to reality back to life, back to the here and now } Yeah I'm goofy sometimes :) I love this sewing / craft closet below. Oh, how I wish my coat closet had two doors. Here's but I like { besides the Chandy, pretty wall paper etc } I like the peg board used for indoor storage, we have one in the garage and we love it. I like all the shelves and how this space is tucked away all pretty and special.
{ via here }
I also like this peek at sewing / craft storage ideas. Plenty of boxes to hold supplies, jars to hold smaller items. I also like the use of the clips on the doors to hold ribbon and papers.
{ via here }
I also like this one a lot, its very piratical and every inch of space is used wisely.
{ via here }
I plan to start working my sewing closet soon, in-between working on the nursery & various household projects. I know I'll be so happy once I have a designated spot for all my sewing and craft goodies.Where in your home do you work on Sewing or Craft Projects ?
Or where would you like to create a spot just for you in your home?

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