But lets back up before I share the plans for the dresser. I original bought an antique dresser off Craiglist way back in March for Avery's nursery. I paid $ 75 bucks for the dresser and planned to re-finish dresser, but never of that went as planned. I under estimated how much work that dresser needed. The dresser had veneer front that was damaged on the top and on portions of the drawer fronts. I really truly believed I could whip the dresser back in shape, so not true. Truth be told, after hitting several snags with this dresser, I just 'got over it.' I was just done. I couldn't find the original picture of the dresser { its now in the garage, as an organizer } but here's a close version to give you an idea, of the dresser for the nursery that never was. Our dresser has three drawers on top and no mirror and not anywhere new the great condition the one below is in.
Now back to the dresser I recently purchased for the nursery. The style of the new dresser is much different, but after much thought I think will work out much better than the original one. I love all the storage this dresser has, both big and small drawers which are perfect for tiny baby clothes! I also like the detail on the dressers, the faux spindle on the sides remind of our sons crib. I plan on painting the dresser Delicate White from Olympic Paint. It's by far my favorite white shade of all time. Its also the same shade of white, I painted our dresser.
I started my search for new dresser hardware on Restoration Hardware, they have an amazing selection. When looking on Restoration Hardware, I really liked the Bistro Pulls in Polished Chrome. I like the clean classic, yet modern feeling. The dresser needs 8 pulls and 4 knobs. That's a heck of a lot of hardware for one dresser. The pulls alone in that finish are $ 9.60 each, so that's $ 76.80 and I paid only $ 50 for the dresser. As amazing as the pulls are, I decided to keep on looking for a more budget friendly option.
I decided to look on the web for pulls and knobs, hoping to find some 'knock-off' Restoration Hardware pulls. I girl can have a dream right? I found two possible contenders. The first one I found via Knobs4less.com, they are $ 3 bucks each. The second one I found one knobsandpulls.com, for $3.79 each. Hasani and I are having a tough time deciding between the two pulls, which do you think will look better?
Option One
Option Two
The dresser is well on its way to being completed, it already has two coats of primer on it. Next I'll finish painting the dresser and am looking forward to putting the new hardware on the dresser.
What do you think of the 'new' dresser for the nursery? Which pull do you like better?
Follow Along: As we create a nursery for our baby boy due in June 2011 (He arrived early 6/3/11) From the beginning; Nursery Bare Bones, Paint Makes the Difference, Bye Bye Boob Light &Hemming & Hawing, Crib Notes, To Rock or Not To Rock? Nursery Artwork, Vintage Ottoman, Colorful Spot for Books

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