Elle Decor: “I adore books and cannot imagine life, or my home, without them,” says Ronda Carman, of All the Best Blog. But for her, books as props have a short shelf life. “Rose Tarlow put it best: ‘An object added for effect instead of affection will always look like an affectation.’”
CLH: I agree, I love books, I love to read. I only buy books for my home that I love and plan to read. It's a plus with they come with pretty colored spines, because they look so pretty on bookcases. So if you see a pretty book like the classic Pride and Prejudice by Penguin Classics in my home, please know I love Jane Austen and that's why I bought the book. I plan on buying more Classics books for my home { The Secret Garden & Northhanger Abbey to name a few } when you buy the books you love, you value you them so much more.
The books are all pretty, but I'll only buy the ones I love to read :)
Elle Decor: Antiques dealer Richard Shapiro has modernism malaise, calling out the “monotony of one midcentury room after another, all with predictable, gratuitous, gimmicky accessories.” He lobbies for collecting objects from different periods and styles that all have a bit of soul.
CLH: Oh how I love mid century modern, after all our Rancher was built in the 1950's how could I not embrace little in my home. I do think a little goes a long way. I adore ( and get a ton of compliments ) on the MCM Secretary desk I bought via Craigslist and and refinished recently for our living room. I love the clean lines of Mid Century pieces and I personally LOVE finding old pieces { that are new to me } giving them some love and using them in my home.
Elle Decor: It’s time to retire brightly lacquered Hollywood Regency furniture, says decorator Mary McDonald: “I think we all have seen enough garage-sale junk sprayed in high-gloss Skittles colors to last through the next century.”
CLH: I disagree with Mary! I adore and never tire of seeing old cast off furniture given a new life because someone has vision. I think its great re-purpose furniture. So many pieces are given new life thanks to spray paint and a can of paint! As the old saying goes, one mans treasure is another mans junk. So whatever Mary, lol.
{ via Design Sponge }
Elle Decor: Designer Mario Buatta singles out “dysfunctional decoration,” his term for interiors that don’t relate to people. “Everything is done for styling, and nothing has to do with living— there’s no place to have a conversation or set down a drink,” he says. “The best time to look at a room is the day after you’ve had a party because you see the way people used the space.”
CLH: I agree, for me the best design is practical design. When my friends and family come over, I want them to feel comfortable and relaxed. so while the living room below is pretty, doesn't make sense for my life. Just a little too sterile and not personal enough for me.
{ via here }
Elle Decor: The DIY craze has run its course, says decorator Sheila Bridges, who has seen her share of “earthy, handmade concoctions. Just because it can be reclaimed doesn’t mean it should be.”
CLH: Seems to me Shelia is lacking some vision or hasn't been on Pinterest. I love love a good DIY project and I love so many pretty and crafty & artsy items on Esty. It's fun to 'think out side the box' in terms of retail stores. I think a mish mash of homemade and store bought goods and adds interest in a home + you put your own personal stamp when you DIY a project and you save money and up your own personal skill level. And lastly there's a certain satisfaction you get when you DIY :) I love all the early 'concoctions' below, bring it on the more the merrier :)
Mug Cozy, yes!
{ via Etsy seller Lilac Gifts }
DIY Kids Cushion, Yes!
{ via Pinterest }
For me interior design and decor isn't about spending lots of money its about getting creative and having fun. My husband and I are all about creating a home we love on a budget, and when your on a budget it forces you to get creative :) For me that's when I'm most creative.
Now I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic. Which design trends to do love or hate and why? do you agree with the designers in the Elle Decor Magazine? Also which trends have you skipped and why?

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