" Why are dimmers important throughout the house? A few reasons, one is great lighting is really important throughout your whole house. There are times you want to use your living room for an evening event where you wanted to be soft, and inviting, and sexy, and you wanted to have a mood, you wanted to have an atmosphere. .
But, there are times where you are in those spaces where you want to bring the light level up, because you are reading, you are entertaining in a different way. So dimmers are really important. Lighting is a very important element to a space. Even distribution of lighting is very important " - Thom Filicia
Our Chandelier pre dimmer cast a bright but soft glow that lit up our entire bedroom. Which is great but there's something cool about being able to dim a light { and choose your mood }.
Light pre-dimmer - trust me our whole bedroom was bright!
Since we only have one light in the room to control, we used a one way dimmer switch { make sure you buy the right dimmer switch for your room}. We picked one up at Lowes for mere seven bucks. Lowes had a huge selection of dimmers to choose from, each with different ways on turning on the light { some come with remotes! }
Before installing a new light fixture or a switch, make sure you turn off the power to that room via your circuit breaker. Next read the instructions.
First Mr. CLH removed the switch plate cover and looked at our really old wires ( over 50 years old) everything seemed to be OK. Next he removed the old switch from the box.
There will be three wires to install: one black, one white, and a separate ground wire. Identify the three different colored wires and attach the dimmer with the match wires { connect black wire with black } . Carefully twist the ends of the wires together and then secure them together with a wire nut until it is tight and won't turn anymore.
Next: Carefully push the wires back into the electrical box. Then screw the dimmer switch to the electrical box and replace the cover plate { we were able to sue our old cover plate with the style dimmer we bought }
Lastly turn the power back on to your room and begin playing with the dimmer. My son loved playing with our new switch and requested a dimmer switch for his room. Which is a wonderful idea to have in kids! They would be great for bedtime reading, sleepovers and kids how need a extra few minutes in the morning to wake up. I have to admit, my son and I took turns playing with the dimmer!
Our chandelier dimmed
The chandelier super dimmed in the early morning, love the almost pinkish glow the light gives off.
Design Tip: If you unable to add dimmer to your home, think about using three way bulbs on lamps to control the light distribution in your home. You can also add dimmers to most lamps!
Over time we'll be update most of the lights in our house with dimmer switches. Do you have dimmers in your home? Or are you planning on adding them to your house soon?

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