This year the cherries began to ripen around the end of May and the first week of June. We think because the weather has been so from one extreme to the next { rains one day, next day in the 90's then back to the 70's } are cherries riped sooner. We have a lot of cherries on the tree, however most went bad.
The cherry looked perfect until, I turned it over!
I climbed and ladder and my son was in his tree house helping my pick cherries. Next year, I'll be watching the cherries closer much closer, to snag a bunch of fresh fruit.
So far we were only able to fill a small bowel of cherries. I need to do a little research and see if we leave the spioled cherries on the tree or remove them.
While picking the cherries off our tree, I also discovered we have a peach or apricot tree? in our back yard. Most of them are still green but a few are turning a faint peach color.
It's so much fun to discover fruit bearing trees in our back yard. I'd love to plant a small lemon or lime tree in the back yard in a large container { perfect embellishment for adult refreshments }
Do you have any fruit bearing tree at your house? Or plans to add one to your home

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