This desk is made by Hickory Chair and is called the Hallings Secretary. I love its simplicity clean lines creamy white color with the deep walnut stain inside.
I liked the secretary desk was a combination of desk and dresser combined into one. For awhile now, my husband and I have been talking about using our third bedroom as an office or a TV room etc. So we really don't want to spend a lot of money on a desk { if or needs change in the third bedroom } only to sell it on Craigslist or try to make it work another room.
It dawned on my while I was watching the movie and soaking up the yummy decor, a secretary desk might be the perfect solution for our small home.
After doing some browsing online, I decided the best secretary desk style for our house in a desk / dresser combination because its so versatile. I like that will be able to use a our laptop when the desk is open and hopefully store it in there when the desk is closed. I also love that secretary desk come with compartments, great for storing bills and other office supplies. I would use the bottom drawers to store my craft supplies, pictures, sewing supplies and fabric.
I have two ideas for the 'look' of our secretary desk.
Idea # 1
Paint the outside a white and stain the inside a dark walnut, like the desk above
Idea #
Paint the outside a creamy gray white and the inside a bright fun color that ties in with the color scheme of the room.
Here are a few secretary desks that I really like. The one below is a great mid century danish secretary desk, if I find one this fab, I'd likely stain it a dark walnut shade instead of painting it. I also like that this secretary desk can be tucked away in a living room.
{ via Apartment Therapy }
I love the idea of doing a fun paint or wall paper style to the outside of the desk.
{ via here }
{ via here }
Most likely the secretary desk we buy we'll be a vintage piece. I'll be shopping Craigslist and local thrift stores in search of a secretary desk that's a good fit. Here are a few a came across on Craigslist.
I like this one alot, it has pretty feet for $ 150.00 and great pulls.
This one below is a great price for $ 75.00, but the bottom of the desk looks 'heavy' but you can tell its made so well, so this might be a maybe.
I'm in no hurry to buy one since I'm hoping to snag one for around $ 80 bucks or less. Plus we have so many projects to tackle around here, the desk will most likely sit in our garage for A while.
What do you think of secretary desks? Would you consider one for a small space / versatile spot in your home over a traditional desk?

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